Loud Summer Activities Call For Ear Protection

Large summer concert crowd of people in front of a stage at night who should be concerned about hearing protection

Some activities are simply staples of summertime: Air shows, concerts, fireworks, state fairs, Nascar races, etc. The crowds, and the noise levels, are getting larger as more of these events are going back to normal.

But sometimes this can lead to problems. Let’s face it: you’ve had ringing in your ears after going to a concert before. That ringing is often called tinnitus, and it could be a sign of something bad: hearing damage. And the more damage you do, the more your hearing will deteriorate.

But don’t worry. With the correct ear protection, you’ll be able to enjoy those summer activities (even NASCAR) without doing lasting damage to your ears.

How to know your hearing is suffering

So, you’re at the air show or enjoying an incredible concert, how much attention should you be paying to your ears?
Because you’ll be pretty distracted, understandably.

You should watch for the following symptoms if you want to avoid serious injury:

  • Tinnitus: This is a ringing or buzzing in your ears. It’s a sign that damage is occurring. You shouldn’t automatically disregard tinnitus just because it’s a fairly common condition.
  • Headache: If you have a headache, something is probably wrong. And when you’re trying to gauge hearing damage this is even more relevant. Excessive volume can trigger a pounding headache. If you find yourself in this situation, seek a quieter setting.
  • Dizziness: Your inner ear is primarily responsible for your ability to stay balanced. So if you feel dizzy at one of these loud events, especially if that dizziness coincides with a charge of volume, this is another indication that damage has taken place.

Needless to say, this list isn’t exhaustive. Loud noise causes hearing loss because the extra loud volume levels harm the tiny hairs in your ear responsible for detecting vibrations in the air. And once an injury to these fragile hairs occurs, there’s no way for them to heal. That’s how fragile and specialized they are.

And it’s not like people say, “Ow, the tiny hairs in my ear hurt”. So looking out for secondary signs will be the only way you can know if you’re developing hearing loss.

You also could be developing hearing loss with no apparent symptoms. Any exposure to loud noise will result in damage. The longer you’re exposed, the more severe the damage will become.

When you do detect symptoms, what should I do?

You’re getting your best groove on (and everybody is digging it), but then, you begin to feel dizzy and your ears start to ring. What should you do? How loud is too loud? Are you hanging too close to the speakers? How should you know how loud 100 decibels is?

Here are a few options that have different levels of effectiveness:

  • Block your ears with, well, anything: The goal is to safeguard your ears when things are loudest. Try using something around you to cover your ears if you don’t have earplugs and the high volume abruptly takes you by surprise. It won’t be the most efficient way to reduce the sound, but it will be better than nothing.
  • You can go someplace quieter: If you actually want to safeguard your ears, this is truthfully your best option. But it’s also the least enjoyable option. It would be understandable if you’d rather stay and enjoy the concert utilizing a different way to protect your hearing. But you should still consider leaving if your symptoms become extreme.
  • Try moving away from the source of the noise: If your ears begin to hurt, be sure you’re not standing next to the stage or a big speaker! Essentially, distance yourself from the source of the noise. You can give your ears a break while still having fun, but you might have to give up your front row NASCAR seats.
  • Keep a pair of cheap earplugs with you: Cheap earplugs are, well, cheap. For what they are, they’re moderately effective and are better than no protection. So there’s no reason not to keep a pair with you. That way, if things get a little too loud, you can just pop in these puppies.
  • Check the merch booth: Disposable earplugs are obtainable at some venues. So if you can’t find anything else, it’s worth checking out the merch booth or vendor area. Your hearing health is essential so the few bucks you pay will be well worth it.

Are there more effective hearing protection methods?

So when you need to protect your ears for a short time at a concert, disposable earplugs will be fine. But it’s a bit different when you’re a music-lover, and you attend concerts every night, or you have season tickets to NASCAR or football games, or you work in your garage every night restoring an old Corvette with loud power tools.

You will want to use a little more advanced methods in these situations. Those measures could include the following:

  • Use professional or prescription level ear protection. This may include custom earplugs or over-the-ear headphones. The degree of protection improves with a better fit. You can always bring these with you and put them in when the need arises.
  • Get an app that monitors decibel levels: Most modern smartphones will be able to download an app that monitors the ambient noise. When noise becomes too loud, these apps will let you know. In order to protect your ears, keep an eye on your decibel monitor on your phone. This way, you’ll be capable of easily seeing what decibel level is loud enough to harm your ears.
  • Speak with us today: You need to recognize where your present hearing levels are, so come in and let us help. And after you have a recorded baseline, it will be easier to notice and record damage. Plus, we’ll have a lot of personalized tips for you, all tailored to keep your ears safe.

Have your cake and hear it, too

It may be a mixed metaphor but you get the point: you can safeguard your hearing and enjoy all these wonderful outdoor summer events. You will enjoy those activities safely by taking a few simple measures. And that’s relevant with everything, even your headphones. You will be able to make better hearing choices when you understand how loud is too loud for headphones.

As the years go on, you will most likely want to continue doing all of your favorite outdoor summer activities. Being sensible now means you’ll be able to hear your favorite band decades from now.



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