Can I Use my Hearing Aid While I’m Wearing my Glasses?

Hearing impaired man working with laptop and mobile phone at home or office while wearing hearing aids and glasses at the same time.

You’ve probably noted that when movies or television shows get really intense, they start using close-ups (maybe even extreme close-ups). That’s because the human face conveys a lot of information (more information than you’re probably consciously aware of). It’s no stretch to say that human beings are extremely facially focused.

So having all of your primary human sensors, nose, eyes, ears, and mouth, on the face is no surprise. The face is jam packed (in a visually wonderful way, of course).

But this can become an issue when you need multiple assistive devices. It can become a little awkward when you use a hearing aid and wear glasses at the same time, for instance. It can be somewhat challenging in some situations. You will have an easier time using your hearing aids and glasses if you take advantage of these tips.

Are glasses impeded by hearing aids?

It’s not uncommon for people to worry that their hearing aids and glasses might interfere with each other since both eyes and ears will require assistance for many people. That’s because there are physical constraints on both the shape of eyeglasses and the placement of hearing aids. Using them simultaneously can be uncomfortable for some individuals.

There are a couple of key challenges:

  • Skin irritation: All of those bits hanging from your face can also sometimes result in skin irritation. Mostly this occurs because neither your hearing aid nor glasses are fitting correctly.
  • Pressure: Somehow, both hearing aids and eyeglasses need to be attached to your face; usually, they use the ear as an effective anchor. But when your ears have to hold on to both eyeglasses and hearing aids, a sense of pressure and sometimes even pain can result. This can also create pressure and strain around the temples.
  • Poor audio quality: It isn’t unusual for your glasses to push your hearing aids out of position, resulting in less than ideal audio quality.

So can hearing aids be used with glasses? Of course you can! It might seem like they’re mutually exclusive, but behind-the-ear hearing aids can successfully be worn with glasses!

Using glasses and hearing aids together

It might take a little bit of work, but whatever your style of hearing aid, it can be compatible with your glasses. Generally speaking, only the behind-the-ear style of hearing aid is relevant to this discussion. Inside-the-canal hearing aids are quite small and fit almost entirely inside the ear so they aren’t really relevant here. There’s normally absolutely no conflict between inside-the-canal hearing aids and glasses.

Behind-the-ear hearing aids, though, sit behind your ear. The electronics that sit behind your ears connect to a wire that goes to a speaker that’s situated inside the ear canal. Each kind of hearing aid has its own benefits and drawbacks, so you should talk to us about what type of hearing aid would be best for your hearing needs.

If you use your glasses every day all day, you might want to go with an inside-the-canal style of hearing aid; but this style of device won’t work for everyone. To be able to hear adequately, some people require a BTE style device; but don’t worry, you can make just about any type of hearing aid work with your glasses.

Adjust your glasses

The degree of comfort you get from your hearing aid will greatly depend on the style and type of glasses you have. You will want to invest in glasses that have thinner frames if you use a large BTE hearing aid. In order to find a pair of glasses that will work well with your hearing aid, work with your optician.

And it’s also significant to be sure your glasses fit correctly. You want them snug (but not too tight) and you want to make certain they aren’t too slack. If your glasses are jiggling around everywhere, you may jeopardize your hearing aid results.

Don’t be afraid to use accessories

So how can glasses and hearing aids be worn together? Well, If you’re having problems managing both your glasses and hearing aids, don’t worry, you aren’t alone! This is a good thing because things can get a little easier by using some available devices. Here are a few of those devices:

  • Specially designed devices: There are a wide variety of devices on the market created specifically to make it easier to wear your hearing aids and glasses at the same time. Glasses with built-in hearing aids are an example of one of these devices.
  • Anti-slip hooks: These hooks also help to prevent your glasses from moving all around (and possibly taking your hearing aids at the same time). They function like a retention band but are less obvious.
  • Retention bands: These bands go around the back of your glasses, and they help keep your glasses in place. If you’re a more active individual, these are a good idea.

The objective with all of these devices is to secure your hearing aids, hold your glasses in position, and keep you feeling comfortable.

Can glasses produce hearing aid feedback?

Some individuals who wear glasses with their hearing aids do document more feedback. It isn’t a really common complaint but it does happen. But it’s also possible that something else, like a speaker, is actually what’s triggering the feedback.

Still, if you’re experiencing hearing aid feedback and interference and you think your glasses are to blame, get in touch with us about possible solutions.

The best way to use your hearing aids and glasses

Many of the challenges connected to wearing hearing aids and glasses at the same time can be prevented by making sure that all of your devices are being worn properly. You want them to fit right!

You can do that by using these tips:

First put your glasses on. When it involves adjustment, your glasses are bigger so they will have less wiggle room.

Then, carefully place your hearing aid shell between your outer ear and your glasses earpiece. Your glasses should be closest to your head.

After both are comfortably adjusted, you can place the microphone of the hearing aid inside of your ear.

That’s all there is to it! That being said, you will still need some practice removing your glasses and putting them back on without knocking your hearing aid out of position.

Keep up with both your glasses and your hearing aids

In some cases, friction between your glasses and hearing aids happens because the devices aren’t functioning as designed. Things break sometimes! But with some maintenance, those breakages can be avoided.

For your hearing aids:

  • When you aren’t using your hearing aids, be certain to store them somewhere clean and dry.
  • If you have a rechargeable hearing aid, keep the battery charged.
  • The correct tools (a soft pick and a brush) should be used to clear away debris and earwax.
  • Be sure to clean your hearing aids at least once a week.

For your glasses:

  • Use a microfiber cloth to clean your glasses. Your lenses could easily become scratched by a paper towel or your shirt, so don’t use them.
  • Clean your glasses when they become dirty. At least once every day is the best plan.
  • Keep your glasses in a case when you’re not using them. If you don’t have a case, just keep them in a dry place where they won’t be inadvertently broken or stepped on.
  • If your glasses stop fitting properly, take them to your optician for an adjustment.

Professional assistance is occasionally required

Though it may not at first seem like it, both hearing aids and glasses a specialized pieces of technology. This means that it’s important to talk to professionals who can help you find the best fit possible for both your hearing aids and your glasses.

The more help you get up front, the less help you will need down the road (this is because you’ll be preventing problems rather than trying to address those problems).

Your glasses and hearing aids can get along with each other

Like one of those family feuds that’s been happening too long (with plenty of close-ups, obviously), it’s now time to admit that glasses and hearing aids don’t need to be enemies. Sure, it can, sometimes, be challenging if you require both of these devices. You will be able to be more focused on enjoying your life and less on keeping your hearing aid in place with our help.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.