Have Hearing Aids? Why You Need Regular Checks And Cleanings

Man getting a hearing test and annual hearing check up to make sure his hearing aids work.

If you have glasses, you recognize you should still visit your eye doctor every year, right? That’s because your eyes can change with time. Your eyes and all parts of your body are dynamic not static and this includes your ears. That’s why even after you buy hearing aids, you should keep having your ears tested just as you do with your eyes.

Unfortunately, many people miss those regular checkups. It’s easy to overlook going in to consult with your hearing care specialist because you’ve been too busy enjoying life. Or maybe lately, work has been difficult. You could even be so happy with your hearing aids that you just didn’t feel you need to go back in. That seems like it should be a positive thing, right?

In the long run, for individuals suffering from hearing loss, it is even more important to have even one follow-up consultation. Yet a great number of people disregard regular care. According to one survey, only 33% of seniors with hearing aids also used regular hearing services.

Once You Get Hearing Aids, is it Really Imperative to go Back For Checkups?

Your hearing is not static. Over time it changes. When these changes happen, you need to adjust your hearing aids to compensate. Issues can be recognized early and your hearing aids can be tweaked accordingly.

And that isn’t even the only reason why it could be a smart idea to show up for normal checkups with a hearing expert once you get your hearing aids. Some of the most prevalent reasons to make sure you make it to your next appointment include:

  • Degeneration of hearing: Even if you use a hearing aid, your hearing might keep deteriorating. If this degeneration is happening over a long period of time, you probably won’t know it’s happening without the assistance of a hearing assessment. Appropriate alterations to your hearing aids can often slow hearing declines.
  • Calibrating Hearing Aids: There may be need for annual adjustment of your hearing aids because of tiny changes in your hearing despite the consistency of your general hearing. Without this calibration, your hearing aids may gradually become less and less reliable.
  • They might not fit anymore: Due to the fact that your ears are constantly changing, it’s entirely plausible that the way your hearing aids fit around and in your ears will change. Regular exams can help assure that your hearing aids keep fitting how they’re made to.
  • Along with monitoring changes in your hearing, it’s important to periodically get a professional cleaning. We can help make certain your hearing aid is working the way it is supposed to, clean all the small parts and keep it in optimum condition.

    The Risk of Not Following up With Regular Exams

    If you get frustrated with your hearing aids, say because they don’t work the way you expected them to, you might just discontinue wearing them and that wouldn’t be good. Hearing aids make your all-around health better and also, of course, makes your hearing stronger. If you stop wearing your hearing aids, not only can your hearing decline faster, you may not notice it immediately. Increased danger of hearing problems, as well as cognitive decline, have been related to loss of hearing.

    If you want your hearing aids to keep working at an optimal level, frequent checkups are going to be your best bet in the way of accomplishing that. Annual hearing exams or screenings can help you be certain your hearing aids are performing in the way they should and that your hearing remains protected. So call now for an appointment.

    The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.